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We have a number of Specialist Areas at St Joseph's, that enhance the children's creativity and artistic expression. 

Physical Education

Being active helps our students maintain health and happiness throughout their life. Our PE teacher, Karen Gilchrist, is passionate about maintaining children's physical fitness and developing their skills to allow them to participate in any sport into the future.

Auslan - Signing Language

Our Auslan teacher, Gen Stewart, encourages our students to be able to converse with the hard of hearing in a meaningful way.

Visual Arts

Mel Kecskes is a passionate art teacher who works at a number of schools and is committed to her students' developing their artistic skills - attributes that will allow them to enjoy art activities throughout their lives.

Science/ Garden

Ebony Anderson rotates her specialist time between Science and the Garden, and often combining the two. This subject allows students to see the real world and understand the Scientific concepts behind them.