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The School Vision.

St Joseph's; a child safe school, School strives to be an educating community:

• Where the total development of each child is nurtured.
• Where an environment of trust, respect, hope and safety is built, with direct reference and consideration to child safe standards and policies.
• Where families and the school work in partnership sharing the responsibility to educate the child.
• Where school life is an integral part of parish and the wider community.
• Where the students learn in a challenging, enjoyable and cooperative way.
• Where the teachings of Jesus are taught, modeled and lived. 

St Joseph’s School Nagambie supports and promotes the principles and practise of Australian democracy, including a commitment to:
  • elected Government
  • the rule of law
  • equal rights for all before the law
  • freedom of religion
  • freedom of speech and association
  • the values of openness and tolerance.

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